Proposals for a planned Community Scheme Ombud Service law were debated at a two-day conference in Stellenbosch recently. In terms of the proposal for the new legislation, community schemes will include retirement villages, share block schemes and homeowners' associations. Graham Paddock, one of the consultants appointed by the Department of Land Affairs to investigate the service, says that the current ways of resolving sectional title property disputes are practically ineffective.
According to proposals in the draft law, the role of the proposed Ombud's office will be to:
- Act as custodian of documents that govern sectional title schemes;
- Resolve disputes;
- Educate consumers and other parties in community property schemes;
- Monitor compliance.
The ombud scheme will be funded initially by the Department of Housing and then either by an additional levy on property owners or by charging a fee for services provided by the ombud's office.
Should you be interested in obtaining further information on the conference, a Third Generation Sectional Titles Conference Report is available for purchase. Please contact Robyn on 021 674 7818 or email for more information.
Article on
Background to the Conference and January 2005 Consultation Paper
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