
ABC of town planning - I

The first in a series of articles giving a broad overview of town planning being published in De Rebus. This article looks at the extent of town planning and the way in which a town planning scheme affects the land uses which may be exercised on a property.

Town planning can broadly be divided into two main categories, namely:
Strategic planning - planning done by provincial and local governments, at the macro and micro levels.
Land-use management - land uses that may be exercised on an erf both with and without municipal permission in accordance with town planning schemes.

Town-planning schemes consist of two parts:

  1. A document with various sections dealing with matters such as building lines, coverage and special uses. In this document the control measures applicable to a certain zoning are set out.
  2. A plan which covers the whole of the area to which the town-planning scheme is applicable and on which the zoning of each erf is indicated by way of hatching.

Each zoning is restricted to the following:
  1. For what type of land use an erf may primarily be used.
  2. What may be established on the erf only with the special permission of the municipality.
  3. What may not be established under a specific zoning.
  4. What building line, floor area ratio, density, etc, are applicable to a specific erf.
The author then gives three examples illustrating how land use rights are applied using:
  • A sectional title complex;
  • A crèche; and a
  • Shopping centre.

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