Practice Management


If you don't then you should not have computers or software. He then discusses the reasons by looking at four basic threats to every firm.
Fire - can destroy all your records, paper files, computers and accounting system. By having a back-up copy you will be on your feet in no time.
Theft - of your PC or laptop - potentially same problem as above.
Viruses - corruption and deletion of data. Need back-up to restore it.
Staff - destruction of intellectual property such as templates by disaffected members.
Back-up solutions range from writable CD's to using removable hard drives, or using an Internet based back-up solution stored on servers. Whatever the solution the rules are simple and must be adhered to, they are as follows:

  • Make a copy of your data as regularly as possible.
  • Always keep the copy separate from your computer or server.
  • Remove the copy to an off-site location at night.
  • Make sure that the copy of your data is readable and retrievable.
  • If you delegate the task of making a back-up to someone else, you personally need to make sure that it is in fact done.
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