Registrar's Circulars

Cape Registrar's Notice 01/2018

To address risks in the improper and/or fraudulent use of barcodes, kindly be advised that as from 05 February 2018 the process for the issuing of deeds office barcodes will be as follows:

  1. Conveyancing firms must submit a written request on its letterhead for barcodes.

  2. The application letter must be submitted in duplicate, printed on the firm's letterhead and must be signed by and contain the full names and of the conveyancer applying and the name and identity number of the conveyancer/s who are authorised to collect same, and the quantity applied for.

  3. On collection of the barcodes the conveyancer will be required to produce proof of identity in the form of an ID, passport or driver's licence and sign for same. NB: No exceptions will be made in this regard. Non conveyancers will not be provided with barcodes.

  4. The office may issue the quantity of barcodes taking into consideration the average number of deeds registered/lodged monthly.

Cape Town Registrar's Notice No.1 of 2018

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