The promulgation of Sec 9(20) of the Transfer Duty Act has had academics and conveyancers talking up a storm on different issues and especially the issue of an acceptable causa for a Sec 9(20) transfer. Although quite a bit was said on the matter, no definite guideline has been set and conveyancers have been left with a feeling of uncertainty as to exactly how to deal with a Sec 9(20) transfer.
GhostConvey as the market leaders in the industry, have taken the initiative to gather as much information as possible about Sec 9(20) transfer documents which have been successfully passed through SARS and registered in the Deeds Offices, in order to provide you with a guideline in this regard.
As promised in an earlier article, our development team has been hard at work developing the functionality that will enable you to do a Sec 9(20) transfer from start to finish from within GhostConvey. These changes have been made and were implemented recently in the latest software update v12.5.4, the explanatory notes of which can be accessed via the hyperlink below.
For any further assistance in this regard, please feel free to contact our in-house conveyancer Nadia de Kock on 021 658 9706 or via email at
Section 9(20) Transfers explanatory notes
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