
Expropriation Bill

Expropriation Bill [B 4 – 2015]

The Portfolio Committee on Public Works invites interested people and stakeholders to submit written comments on the Expropriation Bill. The Bill seeks to align the Expropriation Act of 1975, with the Constitution (1996). It seeks to provide a common unified framework to guide the processes and procedures for the expropriation of property by all expropriation authorities and organs of state; to provide for the expropriation of property for a public purpose or in the public interest, subject to just and equitable compensation that reflects an equitable balance between the public interest and the interests of those affected, with due respect for the rights of everyone, the rights to equality, and to administrative action that is lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair; and to provide for matters connected therewith.

Public hearings will be conducted at Parliament on Tuesday, 19 and 26 May 2015.

Submissions and requests to make oral presentation must be received by no later than 12:00 on Wednesday, 06 May 2015.

Enquiries, as well as written submissions, can be directed to: Ms Akhona Busakwe, Portfolio Committee on Public Works, Parliament of RSA, P.O. Box 15, Cape Town 8000 or e-mailed to or faxed to 086 664 3859.

Expropriation Bill

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