Despite the good intentions the reality is that for many and varied reasons very few firms are anywhere near achieving a paperless office. Nevertheless the following articles are instructive and worth reading for their insights and thoughts on going paperless.
The Document Naming System in Our Paperless Office
By Donna Neff and Natalie Sanna
The success of running a paperless office relies heavily on organizing and naming files - learn how from two experts.
The Paperless Office as a Risk Management Enterprise
By Jim Calloway
Sure, going paperless is good for the environment, but it also probably the only fool-proof disaster recovery plan.
Less Paper Does Not Equal Less Training (at first!)
By Adriana Linares
You're ready to turn your practice into a paperless success, but make sure all employees are properly trained on any new technology so that your transition is a smooth one.
Going Paperless for the Law Office: A Practical Guide
By Michael J. Morse
Not just a guide, but also a thorough how-to for turning your practice paperless.
Some Thoughts on Becoming Paperless
By Ernest Svenson
The road to a paperless office may contain challenges, so it's important to have a strategy in place before you begin your journey.
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