
Hissing sound

In Hear that hissing sound?, the opinion is expressed that the air is slowly leaking from the global housing bubble and that even if property prices have a soft landing, in some countries it is so overvalued that prices could stagnate for up to a decade. Looking at the graph, one sees that South African property has enjoyed a truly remarkable return between 1997 and 2005.

The Economist's house price indices
% change on a year earlier
Q3 2005* Q3 2004 1997-2005
South Africa 15.8 34.5 271
New Zealand 14.5 16.4 79
Denmark 14.3 9.7 73
France 14.2 15.5 100
Hong Kong 14.1 31.2 -43
Spain 13.4 16.8 150
United States 12.0 13.0 85
Sweden 9.5 9.8 98
Belgium 9.4 10.9 62
Italy 7.3 9.7 81
Ireland 7.2 11.5 208
China 6.6 9.9 na
Netherlands 5.6 2.9 85
Canada 4.4 6.9 50
Singapore 3.3 nil na
Britain 2.4 19.3 166
Switzerland 1.3 2.2 13
Australia 1.0 8.2 112
Germany na -1.3 nil
Japan -4.7 -6.0 -30
*Or latest
Source: The Economist

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