Dear GhostConvey Customer
Welcome once again to the Johannesburg GhostConvey Club! Our aim is to provide you with useful GhostConvey related information on a monthly basis, in addition to some more light-hearted hints, recipes, jokes etc, and not forgetting our regular competitions with some fantastic prizes up for grabs.
Competition time
Club membership is FREE and you can expect to have access to monthly published interesting information such as profiles of people and groups we deal with, including Banks, Mortgage Originators and Estate Agents. As a member of this exclusive user forum, we will also share with you useful tips about our products - just the kind of information you need in order to make your jobs easier.
To join, please email and filling in the detail prompts.
If you know of other GhostConvey users in your firm who may be interested in joining this exciting free venture - feel free to pass the message on to them so they can also join the club
Changing firm? Please also inform us via e-mail - so we can contact you in case you win a prize ;)
June 2007 Competition Winner
Our winner for the June 2007 competition: Congratulations to Craig Smith from Schindlers Attorneys (Rivonia). We will contact you shortly to deliver your prize!!!
July 2007 competition
This month we have a double prize to give away. All you have to do is invite another GhostConvey user, who is not yet a Club Member, to join the club. When that person joins the club, both your names go into a draw. If your names are selected, both club members will win a prize.
Email us at with your details and the details of the person you invited to join and you and your friend will stand a chance to win a R500,00 gift voucher each. We will invite this person on your behalf and if they accept the invitation and joins the club, then both your names will go into the draw for the prize.
We would like to introduce you to our HelpDesk over the next few months.
News flash of the month
Please note that for Standard Bank of South Africa's Attorneys, MT 78 (Reason for Delay) "Five day acceptance period" does NOT appear in the list when selecting the MT78 from Electronic Messages to Export, but must be sent by the Attorney as a FREE FORMAT MESSAGE.
This is on instruction from the bank but will probably be one of the options in the MT78 in a future update.
What's new at Korbitec
We are ready to go-live with the new GhostConvey website. The URL to the new enhanced site is:
Some of the exiting stuff that will now be available on the website is, important notices which has been categorized per financial institution, confirmation of latest GhostConvey releases, user interface hints and tips to assist users in getting to know GhostConvey better, direct training requests per branch, GhostConvey minimum specs, etc.
If you have any ideas or suggestions to add to our new website, please let us know.
What's happening at our clients?
If you want to share anything about your firm, please email us at We will be happy to publish it on the Club.
Introducing our other GhostWare products
GhostView - Matter details at your fingertips in an instant
When your practice receives conveyancing enquiries, the receptionist can use the GhostView system to quickly establish which paralegal is handling the particular matter, and put callers through to the correct person in seconds. For clients who don't know who is dealing with their matter, GhostView can search on the client's name or property details to find it. And, in busier firms, GhostView will give a pivotal person sufficient information to answer questions without having to transfer the call to a paralegal. Partners wanting to know the status of a particular matter may also use GhostView. Easy and quick to use, GhostView puts matters at partners' fingertips, sparing them the embarrassment of having to respond to callers without any documentation in front of them. Put simply, GhostView is the smartest and cheapest way there is to impress your clients with top-flight service.
More on the National Credit Act (NCA)
General Questions
The following three questions were put to and answered by the National Credit Regulator
Q 1. If a private person signs surety for a bond where the bond is provided to a juristic person, does the bond have to comply with the NCA regulations or is it excluded? (In which connection a bond being provided to a private person and a juristic person as co-principal debtors would presumably have to comply with the NCA insofar as it affects the private person?)
A. The answer is no because in terms of section 8(5) of the NCA, the transaction in question will only be a credit guarantee to which the NCA is applicable if it is given in respect of an obligation of another consumer in terms of a credit facility or credit transaction to which the NCA applies.
Q 2. Is an acknowledgement of debt an incidental credit agreement if there is interest that is charged in terms of the acknowledgement of debt (normally as you know the statutory rate of interest is 15.5% which is automatically added on in most cases)?
A. It will depend on the contents of the acknowledgement of debt: If the wording of the acknowledgement of debt constitutes an account "tendered for goods or services that have been provided to the consumer, or goods or services that are to be provided to a consumer over a period of time and either or both of the following conditions apply: (a) a fee, charge or interest became payable when payment of an amount charged in terms of that account was not made on or before a determined period or date; or (b) two prices were quoted for settlement of the account, the lower price being applicable if the account is paid on or before a determined date, and the higher price being applicable due to the account not having been paid by that date", the acknowledgement will be an incidental credit agreement. Normally, however (and depending on the wording of the document), an acknowledgement of debt will be a credit transaction, as envisaged by section 8(4)(f) of the NCA.
Q 3. Is a bond entered into by two private persons a "partnership" and if it is then would it be excluded from the ambit of the NCA? Put differently how exactly do you prove the existence or non-existence of a partnership when a partnership could be (theoretically) created by a verbal agreement?
A. The relationship between two or more persons in respect of the bond in question will depend on the facts of the matter and may or may not be a partnership. If the relationship is a partnership, the partnership will be a juristic person in terms of the NCA resulting in the NCA not being applicable at all (in so far as the partnership is a consumer) where the asset value or annual turnover of the partnership exceeds R1m (see section 4(1)(a) of the NCA) or, where the asset value or annual turnover is less than R1m, the NCA will only be of limited application to the partnership (in so far as the partnership is a consumer): In terms of section 6 of the NCA Chapter 4, Parts C and D, Chapter 5, Part A - section 89(b)-, Chapter 5, Part A - section 90(2)(o)-, and Chapter 5, Part C, will not apply.
Meet the Johannesburg GhostConvey team
Every month you will be able to put a face to a voice you might have spoken to or a name you might have heard of. We will be posting a photo of one Johannesburg GhostConvey team member each month.
It is time to meet one of the GhostConvey Support Consultants, LIEN JOUBERT.
"Live a full life! At the end of my life I would like to look back and remember everything I did. I want to remember spending time with my family, going on holiday, stretching my own limits (eg. Bungi jumping) and not look back and regret not spending time with my family, not going on holiday enough and not doing things I thought I would never do or were unable to do. Life is short. Live life! To worry about tomorrow is to try and live 2 days at once. Live for today and worry tomorrow about tomorrow."
Click here to see the staff archives to date.
Recipe of the month
For a healthy lunch or dinner.
Pumped up chicken salad - makes four servings
3 cups diced cooked chicken (4 portion sized breasts)
1 cup chopped celery
1 small apple, chopped
2 Tablespoons chopped onion
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 teaspoon skim milk
1 handful red seedless grapes, quartered
Mix chicken, celery, apple, grapes, and onion in large mixing bowl. In a blender mix cottage cheese and skim milk. Blend for 2 minutes on the "whip" speed. Add to chicken mixture. Pepper to taste. Serve on lettuce or in a whole wheat sandwich.
Fun stuff
Is this what the new National Credit Act is doing??
Operator:"Thank you for calling Wally's Pizza. May I have your ..."
Customer "Halloo, can I order?"
Operator:"Can I have your multi purpose card number first, Sir?"
Customer "It's eish ....., hold on ..."
Operator:"OK... you're .... Mr Sfiso Majola and you're calling from 17 Retief Street. Your home number is 011 403 2366, your office 011 764 2302 and your mobile is 082 266 2566. Which number are you calling from now Sir?
Customer "Home! How did you get all my phone numbers?"
Operator:"We are connected to the System Sir."
Customer "May I order your Seafood Pizza..."
Operator:"That's not a good idea Sir."
Customer "How come?"
Operator:"According to your medical records, you have high blood pressure and even higher cholesterol levels, Sir."
Customer "What?... What do you recommend then?"
Operator:"Try our Low Fat Hokkien Mee Pizza. You'll like it"
Customer "How do you know for sure?"
Operator:"You borrowed a book entitled "Popular Hokkien Dishes" from the National Library last week Sir."
Customer "OK I give up ... Give me three family sized ones then, how much will that cost?
Operator:"That should be enough for your family of 10, Sir. The total is R149.99!
Customer "Can I pay by credit card?"
Operator:"I'm afraid you have to pay us cash, Sir. Your credit card is over the limit and you owe your bank R3720.55 since October last year. That's not including the late payment charges on your housing loan, Sir."
Customer "I guess I have to run to the neighborhood ATM and withdraw some cash before your guy arrives."
Operator:"You can't Sir. Based on the records, you've reached your daily limit on machine withdrawals today."
Customer "Never mind just send the pizzas; I'll have the cash ready. How long is it gonna take anyway?"
Operator:"About 45 minutes Sir, but if you can't wait you can always come and collect it on your Green Double Cab...."
Customer "What!"
Operator:"According to the details in the system, you own a Nissan Double Cab, ... registration number NRB 132 GP....."
Customer " *'!^ *%^*%^I7*"
Operator:"Better watch your language Sir. Remember on the 15th July 1987? You were convicted for using abusive language to a policeman. I need not tell you what happened to you at Sun City Prison"
Customer [Speechless]
Operator:"Is there anything else Sir?"
Customer "Nothing ...... by the way ... aren't you giving me those 3 free bottles of cola as advertised?"
Operator:"We normally would Sir, but based on your records you're also diabetic ... "
Customer "Please cancel the order, my wife will have to cook ...."
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