
Jhb EFT payment process

The following should be noted when paying for a Clearance Certificate:

  • All application fees should be paid into the Seller's Rates & Taxes account and no longer directly into the vote number.
  • Payment of the clearance figures must be allocated as per page 2 of the payment schedule.  In some instances there will be more than one account linked to the property i.e. Rates & Taxes and Utilities.  The payment must be allocated to the individual accounts to avoid delays. 
  • Where multiple accounts are displayed separate EFT transactions should be concluded, quoting the respective account numbers as reference to the transaction.
  • Only EFT payments made from the Transferring Attorneys Trust account will be accepted.
  • Proof of payment/s must be emailed by the Transferring Attorney to the following address: eftclearancepayments@joburg.org.za.
  • The clearance payment schedule must be attached to the proof of payment's.
  • Upon receipt of proof of payment/s we will by return, email advice on reference number to be used when collecting the Certificate.
  • Certificates will be issued within 24 to 48 hours after receipt of proof of payment.

Jhb EFT Payment Process

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