Welcome to the first edition of the Johannesburg GhostConvey Club! Our aim is to provide you with useful GhostConvey related information on a monthly basis, in addition to some more light-hearted hints, recipes, jokes etc, and not forgetting our regular competitions with some fantastic prizes up for grabs.
Competition Competition
When you register to become a member of the GhostConvey Club, you will automatically be entered into our lucky draw. The prize? Well actually the very first prize of our Johannesburg GhostConvey Club will be a very BIG
Valentine's surprise.
To put yourself in line to win this fantastic prize, simply subscribe to our club, by clicking on Johannesburg GhostConvey Club and filling in the detail prompts.
What's new?
Have you found GhostFind yet?
GhostFind is a simple, quick indexing system for storing useful information such as contact numbers etc. for easy reference (work related or not). For more information on how to use this handy feature, go to \GWData\Ghostcon\User Notes\GhostFind.rtf or give the Help Desk a call.
Look out for the nifty new "alert" icon
The icon indicates that you should view the Matter History to check what messages were imported, or what errors were recorded. Once you have clicked on the Diary tab, the icon will be removed.
Handy Hints
Keep an eye on http://www.ghostconvey.co.za/code/Notices.htm where we will endeavour to keep you updated with useful information on a regular basis. Circulars from the Banks will also be posted here for your reference.
Listed below are the milestones from the various banks, you can download them from their relevant hyperlink. These are really helpful to make sure you are doing things in the correct order and very nice to hand to new staff members that are doing bonds for these banks for the first time. This makes sure that you are complying with everything the banks want from you.
Standard Bank
Facility to View Matters where no MT65 has been sent (LAW matters)
This is a really useful feature that was added a while ago. For those of you who haven't used it yet, this is what you do:
Click on the relevant institution in Bonds, then in the "Tools" menu select "Electronic Message Status"
A dialog box will appear containing 2 icons:
- Open selected matter
- Refresh
From 'Open selected matter' it is possible to access the matter by using either the icon mentioned above or the 'Open matter' button at the bottom right of the dialog box
Note that this applies to all instructions received from 24 July 2006. Instructions received prior to 24 July 2006 will not appear in this list. The classification selected will then appear in a 'Bond Classification' field in the
SMS from your computer
Did you know you can send SMS from your computer via the Korbitec SMS Facility?
It is very easy, simply follow the steps below:
- Send us the email addresses of all your users who will be sending SMS' and these users will be activated on our server.
- To send an SMS, choose new email your email program.
- In the "To" field enter the following: sms@sms.ghostconvey.co.za.
- In the "Subject" field enter the following: GhostConvey, Cell phone number .
Example: ghostconvey comma space 082 333 9999.
- In the "Message" field type your message and then choose Send.
The charge per SMS is 60c excluding VAT. This can be used by any department in your firm, and all you need to do is register your e-mail addresses with us. There is no charge for registering and as soon as we have received your e-mail we can activate your firm for SMSing.
Fun Stuff!
Are you tired of serving the same old salads for a braai?
Try the Spinach Salad
100g feta cheese, cut into cubes
125g white mushrooms, sliced
1 small onion, chopped
1 sweet red pepper, chopped
90g young spinach leaves, shredded
25g pecan nuts, chopped
1 tomato, chopped
Salad dressing
Mix together:
30ml sunflower oil
15ml lemon juice
½ garlic clove, chopped
1ml oregano
25ml French salad dressing
Marinade the feta cheese, mushroom, onion and red pepper in the salad dressing for at least 30 minutes. Add the tomato, pecan nuts and spinach leaves. Toss and serve.
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