
Land Title in South Africa

Land Title in South Africa. Cape Town: Juta & Co, Ltd (2000)
Author(s): Carey Miller, DL and Pope, A
ISBN: 0 702 151203

Land Title in South Africa is concerned with the land reform programme that is a central aspect of the political and social reform agenda of democratic South Africa. The relevant property law context is provided by a concise general survey of the history of discriminatory landholding, comprehensive chapters of registration, prescription and alternative forms of title.

Chapters detail the precursor 1991 reforms and, most importantly, explain the controlling constitutional provisions. This sets the scene for the reform developments. The ANC Government's principal land reform laws of the first democratic parliament (1994-99) are dealt with in chapters on restitution, redistribution and tenure reform. This breakdown reflects the conceptual basis of the reform programme.

The book ends with a general chapter that identifies the overall impact of the reforms in the existing property context. website

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