Lexis® Tracker is a secure, online, real-time, automated, matter progress reporting and messaging platform for conveyancers which fulfils their need to keep their clients updated – all the time.
In meeting the need to report within a secure messaging environment, while building one’s brand, the following features and functionality are worth highlighting -
1. Lexis Tracker Website
- Estate agents, mortgage originators and consumers are invited to logon to the Lexis Tracker website to follow the progress of their registration.
- Since the website is fully customisable with a firm’s logo and colours, clients logging on to Lexis Tracker will think they have logged on to a firm’s website.
- The website displays standard progress dates, progress comments and contact details.
- Secure messaging functionality on the website allows clients to communicate and share necessary documents with the conveyancer, thereby preventing the possibility of fraudulent emails arising.
2. Lexis Tracker Reports
- Automatic per matter weekly reports can be sent out to contacts on schedule.
- They are branded with the firm’s logo and colours.
- They contain the latest progress comments and standard progress dates for each matter, as captured in Lexis Convey and mirrored on the Lexis Tracker website.
- Direct access to Lexis Tracker from the Lexis Convey toolbar allows conveyancers to view both selected matters and all active matters, according to the level of customisation desired by the firm.
3. Lexis Tracker Email Notifications
- Email Notifications can be customised by firms as to when they will be sent, in accordance to their type, specific progress dates and milestones.
- As with the website they are branded with the firm’s logo and colours.
- The wording of each notification is fully customisable.
- Notifications can be linked to videos, etc. which are then embedded.
In conclusion a few more points about how Lexis Tracker works.
- As each new matter is created in Lexis Convey the relevant contacts are created on Lexis Tracker and an activation email is sent to them.
- If the same contact has multiple matters, a matter list view is displayed. Clicking on an entry in this list will open the selected matter view.
- Once a client’s account is activated, they are able to view standard progress dates on the matter which mirrors the information on the weekly report, as per the attorney firm’s setup.
Feedback from the market has been very positive and attorneys have reported that Lexis Tracker has saved them an incredible amount of time in terms of previous manual reporting and they are receiving excellent reviews from their estate agents, buyers and sellers.
If you are not already using it and would like to, please contact your Customer Relationship Manager for a detailed presentation or click on the banner below which will direct you to the Lexis Tracker website.
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