Sectional Titles

Paddocks Press – August 09

Paddocks Press is an monthly free digital newsletter published to educate and update the sectional title community. The current issue (Volume 4, Issue 8) has a number of articles of interest, including:

New Sectional Titles Bill published for comments - In General Notice No. 1109 of 2009, Government Gazette No.32498 dated 17 August 2009, the Minister for Rural Development and Land Reform published the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill, 2009, for comment. Graham Paddock summarises the 26 changes proposed in it gives his preliminary comments and encourage you to download the document, study it and submit your comments to the Chief Registrar.

Will it still balance? - Clint Riddin looks at the application of GAAP, reporting standards and suchlike to sectional titles so that they could become more meaningful, relevant and timely to sectional title practitioners.

Window and Exterior Door Maintenance 101 - Rod Paddock (Rob the Builder) gives tips on window and exterior door maintenance supplemented by a very useful checklist.

Q & A with Jennifer Paddock - Jennifer Paddock replies to a number of questions including:

  • Defaulting levies.
  • Body corporate responsibility for sewage ducts.
  • Alterations to units without plans.
  • Does a body corporate have to have an auditor?
Dismissal of a body corporate employee - Carol Tissiman unpacks the process for dismissal of a body corporate employee.

Can owner in arrears with levies use the debtor protection provisions in the National Credit Act? - Graham Paddock addresses the question in the light of suggestions made by Tertius Maree and input from Annemarie Friedman, Senior Legal Adviser at the NCR.

Paddocks Press Vol 4, Issue 8

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