Sectional Titles

Paddocks Press - July 08

Paddocks Press is an ad hoc free digital newsletter published to educate and update the sectional title community. The current issue (Volume 3, Issue 7) has a number of articles of interest, including:

NAMA publishes a standard scheme management agreement - The National Association of Managing Agents recently released a Management Agreement which comprehensively covers all the requirements of the Sectional Titles Act and other related statutory regulations. The final product was thoroughly scrutinized by the Board after a number of "legal eagles" were consulted.

Estate agents still need to up their game - The introduction of the FET Certificate in Real Estate means estate agents need to up their game writes Jennifer Paddock.

Taking action against the developer - Judith van der Walt looks at how bodies corporate can obtain relief from developers in off-plan developments where what is promised falls short of what is actually delivered. Suing a developer is expensive and needs a special resolution passed by at least 75% of all the owners (by number and value). Until relief is granted, the body corporate still has to maintain and repair the buildings in the scheme and fund these works by levying contributions on the owners.

Review of the Sectional Title Survival Manual - A review of Graham Paddock's Sectional Title Survival Manual in which the reviewer writes that it "should be compulsory reading for everyone who runs, owns or lives in a Sectional Title Scheme, and that includes managing agents who would be well advised to keep a copy handy on their desk - to read."

Q & A with the Professor - Professor Graham Paddock replies to a number of questions including:

  • Liability for damage arising from faulty foundations.
  • Is the body corporate responsible to pay the costs of having unregistered extensions of sections sorted out?
  • Uncompleted AGM business.
  • Arbitration and levy collections.
Paddocks Press Vol 3, Issue 7

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