Paddocks Press is a monthly free digital newsletter published to educate and update the sectional title community. The issue (Volume 9, Issue 6) has a number of articles of interest, including:
Steps to becoming a managing agent - Greer Moore-Barnes
Joining an existing firm or setup up your own
At present, Managing Agents fall under the umbrella of the Estate Agency Affairs Board, and are required to comply with all educational requirements whilst also being aware that they fall under the jurisdiction of the Board in respect of matters involving trust monies. Once the Ombuds Act is implemented, it is expected that in the future Managing Agents will be regulated by the Ombud, something which will have a very positive effect on the property management business as a whole.
In this article, Greer defines two routes to becoming a Managing Agent. Firstly, setting up your own firm and secondly, joining an existing firm.
Tenant-landlord-body corporate triangle - Anton Kelly
A closer look at the relationship between these entities
Many, many sectional title units are bought as investments and the sections occupied by tenants. Normally, the lease of a property gives rise to two relationships: the relationship between the landlord and the tenant, and the relationship between the tenant and the leased property. However, when the lease is of sectional title property, a third relationship exists: the relationship between the tenant and the body corporate of the sectional title scheme.
In this article, Anton takes a look at the relationship between a tenant, their landlord and the body corporate.
Thinking inside the Box - Blog post - Jennifer Paddock
Are fines in sectional title schemes legal?
Jennifer's sectional title lifestyle blog called Thinking Inside the Box publishes articles on the lighter side of sectional title living and includes practical tips and advice on subjects such as storage solutions, growing balcony gardens and parking issues.
In this blog post, Jennifer discusses the legality of fines in sectional title schemes.
Q&A with the Adjunct Professor - Prof Graham Paddock
- No trustees elected for new year
- Can a BC rent adjoining property?
Reader Comments:
As a trustee I applaud this your initiative because it will go a long way to not only educate would-be sectional unit owners and current owners, but to actively empower them to positively steer their investments themselves. Prosperity to you! Thanks.
I have a few questions. 1. If a corum is formed with tenants (no proof of signed proxy's giving the tenants the legal right) is those decisions legal? 2. There is a general consensus that the (now 3) trustees implement decisions made by themselves. I.e: cameras were installed at the gate. An instruction was given to the Agent and a letter was issued stating that a first fine of R250.00 will be issued if you do not stop and wait for the gate to close. The fines will increase by R250.00 per offence. Most residents did not agree with this. The cameras show towards the gate with goes directly into a busy side street. 3. How do we get rid of the trustees with immediate effect?
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