Paddocks Press is an ad hoc free digital newsletter published to educate and update the sectional title community. The current issue (Volume 3, Issue 3) has a number of articles of interest, including:
Alternative form of backup power - A low cost backup energy device that lasts for over two hours and can power computers, TVs, lights, DSTV decoders, modems, sound systems, etc.
Sectional Title rage South Africans living in sectional title complexes sometimes exhibit rage - setting cars alight; shooting neighbours; poisoning pets and general abuse. Marina Constas looks at this problem and suggests a procedure to follow in order to address and resolve such outrages.
Open letter to the trustees of the sectional title bodies corporate managed by the Sectional Title Administrators CC (STA) Sectional Title Administrators CC (STA) was recently put under provisional liquidation on the grounds that the business is insolvent. STA should hold investments of approximately R5,500,000,00 on behalf of its clients but apparently only R32,000.00 remains in its investment bank account. Graham Paddock and Judith van der Walt drafted this letter to assist the trustees of the schemes affected by this liquidation.
Back to basics with Judith van der Walt Insurance in respect of the buildings in a sectional title scheme - coverage, submission of claims, etc.
Q & A with the Professor - Professor Graham Paddock replies to three issues raised. In the first, he deals with an owner wanting to sell his section without an incomplete extension to his section been registered at the Deeds Registry. In the second, he addresses the charging of interest on overdue levies. Lastly, in the third issue, he looks at the problem of owners who do not want to spend money on improvements to corporate property.
Paddocks Press Vol 3, Issue 3
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