Paddocks Press is a monthly free digital newsletter published to educate and update the sectional title community. The issue (Volume 9, Issue 3) has a number of articles of interest, including:
IT in Sectional Titles - Anton Kelly
IT and Sectional Title Scheme Management
The prescribed management rules have been updated regularly since 1988 but only one of those updates has taken any cognisance of the capacity of IT to facilitate management.
In this article, Anton discusses the role of IT in sectional titles and highlights possible improvements.
Amendments to the Rental Housing Act - Sayed Iqbal Mohamed
The Rental Housing Act and House Rules
The amendments to the Rental Housing Act 50 of 1999 (RHA) once signed into law, most likely before 7 May 2014, will make it compulsory for a copy of the house rules applicable to the leased dwelling must be attached as an annexure to the lease.
In this article, Sayed Iqbal informs readers of the upcoming amendments and further implications for owners.
Thinking inside the box - Blog post - Jennifer Paddock
Can Sectional Title Trustees be Paid?
The position of a sectional title trustee is a voluntary and often thankless one. Dedicated trustees put a lot of their free time and a mountain of effort into scheme management, yet often receive no remuneration in return.
In this post, Jennifer looks at the legalities surrounding trustee remuneration; including: reimbursement, remuneration as an incentive, remuneration of an alternate trustee, and paying a trustee for “part-time” work.
Paddocks Club Q and A - Paddocks Club Team
- Owner directives to trustees. How long are they valid?
- Owner has not submitted quotes, but wants BC to pay.
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