Paddocks Press is a monthly free digital newsletter published to educate and update the sectional title community. In this issue (Volume 11, Issue 10) Graham unpacks the CSOS Act legislation changes in the video.
Community Scheme Ombud Service - An overview - Prof. Graham Paddock
The Community Scheme Ombud Service Act, No. 9 of 2011 (“the CSOS Act”) came into force on 7 October 2016. Graham gives an overview of the CSOS Act, the purpose for the Community Scheme Ombud Service, and how you can contact them.
Electronic communication in community schemes - Anton Kelly
In this blog post, Anton explains that the reality in the management of community schemes these days is the use of electronic communication methods between members and the governing body of the scheme – whether this method of communication for specific purposes is strictly permissible or not.
Sectional title management 'popular industry' changes: Part 1 Reserve funds - Zerlinda van der Merwe
In the Paddocks consulting department, we are often asked the same questions relating to the changes in sectional title administration and management, as introduced by the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011 (“the STSMA”). Zerlinda will unpack these changes in a series of articles, starting with reserve funds.
Paddocks Club Q and A - Paddocks Club Team
As we have so many interesting questions on Paddocks Club, we decided to share the following two with you:
- Plants obstructing the view
- Can a body corporate apply for a court order against an owner/tenant
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