
PE Convey Club – March 07

The year seems to be going full steam ahead and work hotting up to it's usual pace for all of us. We will be having some additional workshops this month for the ABSA CPF documentation, as there seems to be quite a bit of confusion as to the procedure to use all the new changes. Please give us a ring if you'd like to be booked onto one of these workshops, as they fill up quickly. We are also hoping to launch our new Developments Module for GhostConvey in early April, and will also be doing workshops to show you all how that works. We will try to plan them for later in the afternoon so we can also have time to have some drinks and snacks afterwards for a bit of social time :)

The winner of our last competition was Jean Morrisby from W R van Niekerk. Jean says they had a lovely dinner at Madisons on First. A lovely venue for all you Ghosties to try :)

GhostConvey feature - SMS from your computer
I know we sent this out before, but for the newbies - Did you know that you can send SMS from your computer via the Korbitec SMS Facility?

It is very easy, simply follow the steps below:
  1. Send us the email addresses of all your users who will be sending SMS' and these users will be activated on our server.

  2. To send an SMS, choose new email your email program.

  3. In the "To" field enter the following:

  4. In the "Subject" field enter the following: GhostConvey, Cell phone number .
    Example: ghostconvey comma space 082 333 9999.

  5. In the "Message" field type your message and then choose Send.

The charge per SMS is 60c excluding VAT. This can be used by any department in your firm, and all you need to do is register your e-mail addresses with us. There is no charge for registering and as soon as we have received your e-mail we can activate your firm for SMSing.

To stand a chance of winning a Woolworths gift vouchers to the value of R500.00- email the answer to the question below to: All correct answers will go into a draw which will take place on the Friday 16th March 2007.

Do you have to have GhostConvey installed to send an sms from your computer via the Korbitec SMS facility?

Recipe of the month - 5 minute no cook pud

250ml full cream greek yoghurt
250ml whipped cream
8 meringues, roughly broken
150gr mixed berries
50gr icing sugar

To garnish flake and sprig of mint

In a bowl gently mix together the whipped cream and yoghurt then fold in the meringue, sprinkle berries with icing sugar and gently fold them into the cream mixture.

Spoon into a glass serving dish, top with crumbled flake and sprig of mint
Refrigerate till ready to serve (not too long as the meringue will dissolve)

Serves 4

If you have a quick and easy recipe to share, please send it to us so we can include it in the newsletter - As long as they are tried and tested :)

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