The Practitioner's Guide to Conveyancing and Notarial Practice (2015 Update)
Pretoria: Association of Law Societies (2015)
Author: West, AS
Price: R900 (VAT incl).
About the Author, Allen West
Allen West was the Chief of Deeds Training from 1 July 1984 to 30 September 2014 and is presently a Property Law Specialist at MacRobert Attorneys in Pretoria. He is the co-author of numerous books on conveyancing and has published more than one hundred articles in leading law journals. He also regularly posts articles on Ghost Digest.
Allen is a lecturer extra ordinary at the University of Pretoria and a moderator and consultant of Conveyancing subjects at Unisa. He has presented courses for the LSSA (LEAD) since 1984 and has served on the following boards: Sectional Title Regulation Board, Deeds Registries Regulation Board, and Conference of Registrars, as well as numerous other related committees. Until September 2014, Allen was the editor of the South African Deeds Journal (SADJ) since its inception.
New Comprehensive Phrase Indexing Section Included
A phrase index is particularly important in reference works as it aids the reader to locate specific information in the pages. The index is found at the back of the book and includes relevant phrases, topics and terms. It enables readers to locate specific phrases throughout the document.
Updated sections
- Updated with more than 130 Conference Resolutions;
- Updated with all recent case law;
- Updated with last two years new legislation and amended legislation;
- Updated with last two years Chief Registrars Circulars, in total exceeding 50;
- Incorporated is a subject index of all Chief registrars Circulars from 1940 to date;
- Updated with latest practice and procedures.
Other features
- Concise and easy to read;
- Accurate and up to date;
- A handy reference for further research on a topic; and
- A must-have for preparation of deeds and documents.
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