Registrar's Circulars

Pretoria Registrar's Circular 08/2018

RC 08/2018 De-linking of batches on prep

1. Purpose
To provide guidance to examiners and conveyancers on de-linking of deeds at prep.

2. Background
At the OPS meeting held on 6 August 2014 a decision was taken not to allow the delinking of deeds from batches at prep. This was followed up with a Notice to conveyancers dated 08/04/2014, informing conveyancers of the decision.

In order to:

this decision must be contained in a Registrar's circular.

  • Formalise the process;
  • Ensure consistent application of the decision
  • Combat the chaos ensuing from de-linking of deeds without anyone accepting responsibility for correctly re-numbering the batch in pencil

this decision must be contained in a Registrar's circular.

3. Process to be followed
General Rule: De-linking of deeds will not be allowed at any tracking point anymore. The whole batch must be withdrawn and re-lodged if problems are encountered with a part of the batch.

Exception to the Rule
De-linking of deeds due to an examiners note can be accommodated if the batch has been re-linked by the examiner who examined the batch and the unnecessary endorsements have been crossed out.

4. Effective Date
This circular will be effective immediately (18 October 2018)

Pretoria Registrar of Deeds Circular 08 of 2018

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