Complete Compilation of and Index to Registrars' Conference Resolutions 1938 - 2019: 2020 Edition
Value Bundle 1 includes: 2014 Edition + 2020 Edition + CD Combo - R850
Value Bundle 2 includes: 2020 Edition + CD Combo -R400
Publisher: Theron Publishers
Author: Anton Theron
Note: Books will be dispatched in February 2020
The Conference resolutions are an essential source of information to any person involved in conveyancing and notarial practice and procedure, and should be used when drafting deeds and documents.
Since 1940 Registrars of Deeds have, under the chairmanship of the Chief Registrar of Deeds, had regular meetings to discuss contentious issues pertaining to deeds office practice and procedure. In terms of section 3(1)(z) of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937 it has become the duty of all Registrars to apply these resolutions uniformly. It goes without saying that to apply more than 6 000 resolutions without an index will be an almost impossible task.
This compilation provides the practitioner with a complete set of resolutions grouped together with a comprehensive index consisting not only of the relevant Acts and regulations, but also a reference index to issues which have been resolved. Should a practitioner, for example, encounter a problem with a usufruct he/she must refer to usufruct in the index and all the appeals surrounding usufruct have been set out thereunder. Furthermore there is an index of all the sections and regulations to the Deeds Registries Act and the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986.
Without this index the resolutions taken will be of little or no use to the practitioner, or anybody involved in drafting deeds and documents for registration.
To order contact Lee-Allen Wilson via email or Liezl Vosloo via email at
Registrars Conference Resolutions Value Bundle order form 2020 and see the Facsimile pages of the 2012 Conference Resolutions
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