s 118 Applications - No Payment Schedule Issued or No Financial Values Due
Delays are being experienced here as a result of the "Verify Document" process not being completed on the attorney's side. The correct processes to be followed are outlined in the document: s 118 - No Payment Schedule or No Financial Values
s 118 Applications - Incorrect Payment Procedure and Short Payments
The only significant change in the new rates clearance process is the beneficiaries' reference that must be used with all payments, EFT or to the cashiers. Full amounts as stipulated on the payments schedule are also sometimes not paid in full. The correct processes to be followed are outlined in the document: s 118 - Incorrect Payment Procedure and Short Payments
s 118 Applications - Incomplete or Unclear Documents
Although certain documents are mandatory, depending on the type of application, problems and delays are occuring with supporting documents not being submitted resulting in incomplete or unclear documentation. The correct processes to be followed are outlined in the document: s 118 - Incomplete or Unclear Documents
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