The technical solution for the City of Cape Town refunds Go Live has been implemented and the business Go Live for refunds will be Thursday, 5 May 2016 in a phased approach.
It is important to note that all electronic applications (new S118 applications) submitted for financial values as from Thursday morning, 5 May 2016, will be subject to the mandatory "Instruction to Process Refund" form. As explained in the feedback sessions, these forms (the only mandatory form required) need to be submitted and verified as part of the refund case. This must be done in the window period between receiving the notification of the "Draft Refund Case" created and registration in the Deeds Office. Any refund case without the mandatory form will be rejected and the matter deemed as closed.
As part of the phased in approach, for those electronic matters that is work in progress and a draft refund case has been created (conveyancers would have received a notice of the draft refund case created), the mandatory "Instruction to Process Refund" form will not be required. However, the conveyancer must submit any type of document that can be used to confirm the banking details. This document can include the S118 application form that contains the banking details, a bank Statement, a cancelled cheque or confirmation of bank account details by a financial institution.
The refunds for those transfers that have already been registered and for which no refund case has been created, will be dealt with as a project by a team of officials already identified.
Refunds for manual S118 applications will have to comply with the required process, procedure and documentation, with specific reference to banking details, via the respective area rates clearance counters.
Reader Comments:
It is important to note that, although the article does not say so, the notice of implementation of this refund procedure appears only to apply to the City Of Cape Town. When will such a refund procedure be implemented at other municipalities? [Cape Town is now mentioned in article - Ed]
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