S118 - Automation of refund applications: Process and required mandatory documents
The City of Cape Town is in the final stages of implementing a system to automate the refund application process. The system will automatically create a refund request after registration of the transfer thereby improving the turnaround around time for the refunding of any credit due to the seller without having to submit the refund request form and or any other documentation after registration.
The process in short is as follows:
Electronic: A draft refund case will automatically be created, of which you will be notified, at a predetermined stage in the S118 process. The refund request form will automatically be created from the information provided on the S118 application and all relevant documentation will be migrated from the S118 rates clearance case to the refund case created.
The attached authorisation form will be the only mandatory document required for the refund process and must be submitted and attached to the refund case. Once notified that the draft refund case has been created, the above mandatory form can be submitted and attached up until date of registration in the Deeds Office.
Should the documentation not be provided timeously as required the refund case will be closed due to non-performance.
Manual: A draft refund case will automatically be created, of which you will be notified, at a predetermined stage in the S118 process. All relevant documentation will be migrated from the S118 rates clearance case to the refund case created.
The attached mandatory authorisation form, the prescribed refund application form as well as all other required supporting documentation stipulated on the reverse side of the refund request form must be submitted to the area office where then S118 application was submitted to be attached to the refund Case.
Once notified that the draft refund case has been created, the above documentation can be submitted up until date of registration in the Deeds Office. Should the documentation not be provided timeously as required the refund case will be closed due to non-performance.
Feedback sessions to discuss the refund process in more detail, will be arranged once the testing has been completed and the development implemented.
Reader Comments:
I believe this process would drastically reduce queries from Seller to the Conveyancer after registration of a transfer. Is there any possibility Korbitec could assist in implementing the same process/program at City of Joburg?
Korbitec is currently working with the City of Joburg to implement the electronic system. Thank you for your valuable feedback.
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