Sectional Titles Author: G J Pienaar
Publication date: October 2010
Pages: 582 pp
ISBN: 978-0-7021-8553-3
R450.00 (incl. VAT, excl. delivery)
Sectional Titles The idea that individualised landownership forms the basis of the South African property concept has been gradually transformed by the reality that sectional titles, share blocks, property time-sharing and retirement schemes are essential forms of urban property holding.
This book provides an exposition of the idea of urban fragmented property holding in South Africa, with reference to the different forms of urban fragmented property schemes introduced by legislation. The functioning of the management bodies of these schemes and the nature and effect of management and conduct rules are emphasised to illustrate to what extent the idea of urban fragmented property holding has changed the property concept in the new constitutional dispensation in South Africa.
Contents include
- Urban fragmented land tenure
- Sectional titles
- Sectional title ownership
- Registration of scheme and units
- Management of a sectional title scheme
- Rights and obligations of owners and other right-holders
- Share blocks
- Share block schemes
- Management of a share block scheme
- Time-sharing
- Time-sharing schemes
- Retirement schemes
- Bibliography
- Case law
- Legislation
Sectional Titles forms part of Juta's Property Law Library, a new series aimed at revisiting and reassessing the whole of South African property law. In the long term the collection will consist of a number of monographs, each focused on a specific aspect of property law. This collection includes uncodified common law that is mostly embodied in case law, academic writing and legislation, to establish:
- how each aspect of property law was influenced by apartheid law
- its response to the new constitutional dispensation and land reform
- whether it can make a contribution towards the transformation of South African law and society.
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