The Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 (SPLUMA) came into effect on 1 July 2015 and the regulations on 13 November 2015. It signifies a new dawn in urban planning, cementing the pivotal role of municipalities in effecting “municipal planning” and provides clarity on how planning law interacts with other laws and policies.
This publication provides much needed practical guidance on the day to day implementation of the Act and its regulations to both professional and government markets and will be vital to any person involved in spatial planning, land use and land development matters.
The chapters follow the same order as the chapters of the Act.
- Chapter 1 - introductory provisions
- Chapter 2 - development principles and norms and standards
- Chapter 3 - intergovernmental support
- Chapter 4 - spatial development frameworks
- Chapter 5 - land use management
- Chapter 6 - land development management
- Chapter 7 - general provisions
Each section of the Act appears in grey boxes followed by insightful interpretation and practical guidance on how to implement that section. The commentary includes references to relevant case law and cross references to other municipal and relevant legislation.
SPLUMA aims to develop a ‘uniform, effective and comprehensive system’ of planning that ‘promotes social and economic inclusion’. (s 3 of the Act)
It is written by a panel of authors who are eminently qualified in both the legal and practical aspects of urban and regional planning and who practice and lecture extensively on the subject.
- Adv Nic Laubscher
- Lizette Hoffman
- Professor Ernst Drewes
- Jan Nysschen
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