Practice Management


To assist the conveyancing profession, GhostDigest is conducting this survey on various aspects of the conveyancing practice. Please note that this survey is completely anonymous, which is why we have used a web form for your responses. In addition, we will publish the data in aggregated form only.

Please take a few minutes to answer the questions as accurately as possible, since the information you provide to the profession will be invaluable in determining how your firm compares with other firms in your vicinity, and will provide a good perspective of the state of the conveyancing profession in South Africa.

We will publish the results of the survey on the GhostDigest website as soon as they are analysed.

Survey instructions and notes

  • Please answer as accurately as possible.
  • All replies are anonymous due to the nature of the web form.
  • Answers to be completed by end of business on Friday 13th May, 2005.
  • One reply per firm please.
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