East Cape a key growth area
Cape Business News - South Africa
This office will be equipped with the latest state of the art technology, and, in addition to residential sales, bond origination and conveyancing services, will offer a full letting department.
Cape Business News
Home loans surge by 18,3%
Moneyweb - South Africa
The price momentum in the local residential property market may be slowing, which some analysts say suggests we are not headed for a property market crash. But the sustained boom in home loans could be a niggling factor.
In fact, there are a few worrying pieces of evidence in the Reserve Bank's release of money supply and private credit growth numbers for July.
Speedier land reform needed to help property markets
Property24.com - South Africa
Measures that speed up the restoration or redistribution of farming land are needed to benefit South Africa's rural economies. The current drawn-out and complicated process - even when no arbitration is required - is putting a brake on platteland business activity, and on the property markets in many farming centres.
Turning back the mortgage clock
Stuff.co.nz - New Zealand
Homeowners spend hundreds of thousands of dollars paying off their mortgage and maintaining their property. After retirement, their income dwindles, making reverse mortgages an option.
South Africa: Land Reform Faces Funding Shortages
AllAfrica.com - Africa
A senior land expert called on the South African government on Tuesday to be "realistic" when setting targets for placing more commercial farmland in the hands of the rural poor.
Trafalgar compiles rental index
BusinessDay - South Africa
In a move welcomed by the residential property industry, national property manager Trafalgar has launched SA's first residential property rental index, saying that the lack of sound rental information has been a major cause of arguments over a price bubble.
Villagers stunned by laird's land grab
The Scotsman - UK
Hopeman, on the Moray Firth coast, was built by a benevolent Victorian laird to provide homes for quarry workers and local fishermen's families. But their descendants are facing a new threat of a man-made kind.
The present-day laird faces claims he is using ancient land laws to extract thousands of pounds from residents who face eviction from their homes unless they pay up.
The Scotsman
Changing the face of seaside property
Sunday Times - South Africa
Developers of a luxury residential estate on KwaZulu-Natal's North Coast have given preference to black buyers to guarantee them a slice of the lucrative property pie.
Sunday Times
Home loans made cheaper
Moneyweb - South Africa
There is an old saying that anger is like a mist: it blurs the vision, but for Simon Stockley anger and frustration propelled him to revolutionise the South African home loan market.
Stockley, the CEO of SA Home Loans and a victim of the last property crash, said it took him a while to work out that it was easier to make money lending it as opposed to actually borrowing it. SA Home Loans has shaken up the whole way that home loans are issued in South Africa. It offers a cheaper rate for South Africans to the old ways of going to the banks. This has resulted in banks becoming more competitive.
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