Wills Week 2020 registration now open
South Africa - LSSA
Registration for this year’s National Wills Week initiative is open. Please consider registering to participate. National Wills Week will be held from 26 to 30 October, and registrations close on Monday, 31 August 2020.
National Wills Week is now an established highlight among the profession’s social outreach and access to justice initiatives. This is thanks to the thousands of attorneys who participate by giving generously of their time and skills. Wills Week has also attracted increasing coverage in the media as well as support from major stakeholders.
The aim of the Wills Week campaign is twofold:
– to position attorneys as the premier providers of wills and estates services to the public, and to improve the image of the profession generally; and – to encourage members of the public who would not normally make use of the services of an attorney, or who may hesitate to approach an attorney, to consult an attorney to have a basic will drafted.
The right client
South Africa - Tech4Law
Finding the right client is kind of like trying to find your ideal life partner. When you are young and single, dating is a bit like “open season” where you date different types of people in order to find your ideal long term “right fit”. Your perfect partner. Inevitably (and after some time) you realise that you need to narrow down the playing field. You begin to understand that you need to admit what is right for you and what is a deal breaker. You acknowledge that you need to be honest with yourself about who you are – you simply cannot be everything to everyone. You cannot please everyone. In doing so, you are not being true to yourself. And that is not fair to yourself or to your potential relationships. And that is quite an eye opening process.
Finding your perfect client (your “Right Client”), is actually the exact same process.
Importantly, and when trying to find the Right Client, you cannot be a people pleaser. This is not a dating scenario and is by no means, “open season”. According to Kelsey Raymond in an article titled 8 Rules for Finding the Right Customer (and Saying No to the Wrong One!), you cannot be the person who ”hates the idea of saying “no” or, heaven forbid, letting someone down”. And in a Company, one which says “Any work is better than no work, right?”
A New Digital Direction: Why We Welcome e-Signatures
UK - Today's Conveyancer
Confirmation that the Land Registry will accept witnessed electronic signatures on documents relating to transfers of ownership of property, leases, mortgages and other property dealings from 27 July 2020 must be welcomed by the industry.
There are two types of signatures available: a digital signature, which is offered by DocuSign (and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC) which comes with strict legal regulations and is accompanied by a digital certificate that can be relied upon in court. There is also an electronic signature, which is offered by Adobe Acrobat Reader’s Fill&Sign or other pdf readers which purely replaces a handwritten signature. The Law Society and Land Registry now accept both a digital and an electronic signature.
There has been much talk over the years, about how the move towards digital conveyancing will speed up workflows. Largely it’s been just talk! There has also been discussion about conveyancers’ reticence to adopt new technology in order to achieve this. However, conveyancers’ hands have been tied because the main bodies have not been in a place to accept digital signatures. Now, the move by both the Land Registry and the Law Society to accept witnessed electronic signatures is a bold step which denotes a significant milestone in the journey towards a digital conveyancing chain.
Today's Conveyancer
How PropTech and digital advertising are advancing the property industry
South Africa - PropertyWheel
Over 70% of global digital advertising is spent on Facebook, Instagram and Google with targeted ads curated to specific audiences. Using behavioural data, digital ads deliver high-quality, low-cost business leads and they are the fastest and easiest way to maximize tight marketing budgets.
The South African property industry has been lagging in the digital space with traditional campaigns hoovering up the bulk of marketing spend up until the national lockdown commenced. Property search services are still largely online classifieds, taking the traditional print listing into the digital world without maximizing the potential of laser-focused digital ads.
With the rise of PropTech, we are seeing roadside billboards and radio jingles being replaced with property targeted digital ads, taking the entire search, viewing and administrative process of renting a property, online. The national lockdown has accelerated the uptake of this tech not only due to large portions of the global population working from home but because the global lockdown has seen a huge increase in time spent online.
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