Law Reports
Royal Hotel
20 September 2012
Royal Hotel v Simon NO - interpretation of a praedial servitude to park, breach thereof and the erection of a building on a substantial portion of servitude area.Dubs v Dubs
01 November 2012
Jack Crook comments on the recent case of Dubs v Dubs which highlights the potential pitfalls of joint property ownership between (married and unmarried) couples.Adlem v Arlow
22 November 2012
Adlem v Arlow - Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act 70 of 1970 - interpretation of the word 'portion' as meaning a part of property (as opposed to the whole property).Kruger
16 June 2011
Kruger v Property Lawyer - Bridging finance - undertaking by transferring attorney to pay against registration of transfer from proceeds of sale.Margalit
04 August 2011
Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd and Another v Margalit (25966/06) [2011] ZAGPJHC 58 - Bond cancellation - liability of bank and attorneys for non-cancellation.Netshituka
18 August 2011
Netshituka - Customary Law - clear direction given to validity or non-validity of civil marriages and necessary proof thereof for conveyancers.Resnekov
01 September 2011
Resnekov v Cohen - dispute between neighbours over addition to property - whether restriciton constitutes a praedial or a personal servitude.Wakefields Real Estate
13 October 2011
Wakefields Real Estate v Attree (666/10) [2011] ZASCA 160 - when is an estate agent the effective cause of a sale and entitled to commission?Tiffski
10 November 2011
Meyer de Waal asks, "Mortgage bonds: Is the Tiffski judgment a bank's worst nightmare?"Hoofar
28 January 2010
Hoofar Investments (Pty) Ltd - Duty of seller to pay municipal rates and charges.