
EDRs Bill

From the 21st to the 23rd September last year delegates from the legal profession, respective deeds registries and the chief registrar of deeds held a workshop to discuss the second draft of the Electronic Deeds Registration Bill. Heated debates pursued until late in the evening, however, consensus was reached on all contentious aspect and all the delegates left the workshop with a feeling of a job well done.

The new proposals will now be effected to the Bill and it will be published for public comment. In the following Power Point Presentation we have two sketches:
1. Preparation of Draft Deeds, and
2. Receive Draft Deeds in the System, illustrating the envisaged electronic lodgement process followed by a discussion clarifying a number of aspects.

Reader's views and comments will be appreciated

Republished with permission from SA Deeds Journal

Preparation of Draft Deeds and Receiving Draft Deeds in the System

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