Sectional Titles

Accredited agents

With about 50% of South Africans living in sectional title properties, paying levies and being managed by trustees and/or managing agencies, one has to ask whether the person managing one's property is a professional. Sectional title management has come a long way since the concept was introduced in the early 1970's, and it affects a far greater number of homeowners. The evidence of sectional title mismanagement is widespread and until now there has been no formal 'accreditation' course or any other way that owners can be sure their managers are competent.

To fill this need the University of Cape Town's Law Faculty is now offering a Certificate in Sectional Title Scheme Management. The course establishes a new professional benchmark in sectional title management education. It is fully accredited by the National Association of Managing Agents and offered in conjunction with Graham Paddock & Associates (Graham Paddock, Prof. Cornie van der Merwe, Terry Boxall and others). Dr. Gerhard Jooste, the Chairman of the National Association of Managing Agents, says "there is no equivalent qualification".

The course is receiving widespread interest from owners, trustees and managing agents as well as bank and local authority officials. The UCT course is not exclusively for current managing agents as many trustees, owners and other interested parties are looking to register. Registration closes on 15 November 2005.

The course runs from 1 December to 31 May and comprises distance tuition combined with an intensive and practical compulsory 3-day session of lectures and workshops. For further information and application forms go to or phone Peter Morgan at 021 425 2800.

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