Practice Management

Business process management

Business process management (BPM) offers a unified system that promises to end the bouts of tug of war that dogged users of previous IT developments within law firms. It is a logical response to a two-part conclusion. First, a combination of pressures from within the law firm to increase profits by improving efficiency in the face of outside world complications such as money laundering legislation and risk management will not go away. And second, no matter what the nature of the problems practices face, existing systems, whether simple or complex, usually cannot be easily changed to suit developments in the business environment.

What is needed is a single, unified system which can model all business processes from prospect handling, through client inception, including all money laundering, conflict checking and Law Society regulations right through billing and credit control to physical file archiving. In addition to being usable by all employees, it must have one sine qua non - it must be able to handle change without recourse to the supplier and preferably without recourse to an IT department.

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