Registrar's Circulars

Cape Town Registrar's Notice 2 of 2009

This notice withdraws Registrar's Circular 1 of 2007 (as amended) and gives notice of a new procedure to be implemented as from 4 May 2009.

In order to address problems (e.g. 95% of applications for lost deeds are not proceeded with) relating to the issuing of certified copies of deeds (the so called "VA" copies) the following procedure will be implemented as from 4 May 2009:

  1. "VA" applications must be lodged as a single deed - one application per cover. This means that the VA must not have any simultaneous linking to any other type of registration like e.g. a transfer or a bond at the front counter as a normal lodgement.
  2. "VA" applications will be fast tracked through the various sections to ensure that delivery of the copies to the conveyancers can take place not later than the 15th working day after the application was lodged in the Deeds Office.
  3. Also note that when an application relating to multiple deeds is lodged in a single application there must be a separate cover for each deed. A certified copy of the application will be accepted (Registrar's Circular No. 5 of 1998 has reference).

Cape Town Registrar's Notice No. 2 of 2009


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