Dear GhostConvey Customer
Welcome once again to the Johannesburg GhostConvey Club! Our aim is to provide you with useful GhostConvey related information on a monthly basis, in addition to some more light-hearted hints, recipes, jokes etc, and not forgetting our regular competitions with some fantastic prizes up for grabs.
Competition time
Club membership is FREE and you can expect to have access to monthly published interesting information such as profiles of people and groups we deal with, including Banks, Mortgage Originators and Estate Agents. As a member of this exclusive user forum, we will also share with you useful tips about our products - just the kind of information you need in order to make your jobs easier.
To join, please email and filling in the detail prompts.
If you know of other GhostConvey users in your firm who may be interested in joining this exciting free venture - feel free to pass the message on to them so they can also join the club
Changing firm? Please also inform us via e-mail - so we can contact you in case you win a prize ;)
April 2007 Competition Winner
Our April 2007 Johannesburg GhostConvey Club winner is René Muller from Haasbroek-Willemse inc. in Virginia
Your prize is on its way to you!! Enjoy.
June 2007 Competition
In light of the National Credit Act we ask the following question, "In what MONTH and YEAR was the NCA signed by the President and passed into law by Parliament?"
Email your answers to You and your family can stand a chance to win a night out at the movies. We will be giving you 4 Ster Kinekor Classic Cinema voucher tickets and a "little surprise".
We would like to introduce you to our HelpDesk over the next few months.
WebConvey Problem: Clients getting script errors when using WebConvey after logging in.
1. Start Internet Explorer.
2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
3. On the Security tab, click Trusted sites, and then click Sites.
4. In the Add this Web site to the zone box, type the URL (, and then click Add.
5. Click OK.
6. Client can now logon to WC and voila.
At our Johannesburg offices
The "bravehearts" of Korbitec Johannesburg donated valuable blood to people who desperately need it.
Client happenings
If you want to share anything about your firm, please email us at This month we have a picture of EKVs new auditorium at their new offices.
New GhostConvey Feature
Version 9.0 has introduced our new DEVELOPMENTS module.
This was our "old" STRegister.
One of the changes made is an option for Home Owners Association.
The following details of the HomeOwners Association are captured as shown below:
The relevant Association is selected at:
Bonds > Properties Tab > HomeOwners Association
The clause that will appear beneath the Mineral/Pre-emptive right in the bond form is selected by clicking on the HOA_Example.txt drop down.
The relevant Association is selected at:
Transfers>Correspondence Tab
There are letters addressed to the HomeOwners Association requesting the necessary certificate for signature available as follows:
Bonds > Initial Documents
Transfers > Initial Documents
Developments > Additional Forms
There are letters addressed to the HomeOwners Association attaching payment in respect of the documentation received, available as follows:
Bonds >On Registration Documents
Transfers >On Registration Letters and Final Accounts
Developments >Additional Forms
Please note that selecting HomeOwners Associations is not only applicable to Development matters.
Please note the links below
We publish all the bank and relevant GhostConvey notices on this website, please check it regularly
Bank milestones are listed below, to ensure you are following the correct procedures.
Standard Bank
The National Credit Act
The National Credit Act (NCA) replaces the Usury Act No 73 of 1980, the Credit Agreements Act No 75 of 1980 and the Integration of Usury Laws Act No 57 of 1996
What is the purpose of the NCA?
The purpose of the NCA is contained in section 3 to the NCA, but a shortened version of the purpose would be:
- To protect consumers from unscrupulous credit providers;
- To regulate credit bureaux and ensure that the correct information is disclosed appropriately;
- To regulate the way in which debt is recovered.
Below, is the National Credit Regulator's website… simple and easy to browse… with all the answers to your questions:
The Korbitec NCA Roadshow
May was a busy month for Korbitec. We hosted the NCA Roadshow at all our branches for our client base. Each session was "jam-packed" and in Johannesburg another show for the end of June has been arranged due to the demand.
Meet the Johannesburg GhostConvey team
Every month you will be able to put a face to a voice you might have spoken to or a name you might have heard of. We will be posting a photo of one Johannesburg GhostConvey team member each month.
It is time to meet one of the GhostConvey Support Consultants, TERSIA FOURIE.
"The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well"
Click here to see the staff archives to date.
Recipe Of The Month - Baked Bacon and Egg Basket - makes four baskets
This recipe will leave your guests impressed and you looking like a professional chef.
You will need:
4 slices complete high fibre brown bread, crusts removed
4 bacon rashers
40ml sundried tomato tapenade
4 free range eggs
100g baby button mushrooms, quartered
4 salad onions, sliced
Crème fraiche to serve
100g mini rosa tomatoes, sliced
Here's how:
- Pre-heat the oven to 180°c and lightly grease a muffin tray.
- Use a rolling pin to roll out each slice of bread until it is thin.
- Line 4 cups of the muffin tray with a slice of bread.
- Line each slice of bread with a bacon rasher and place 2 teaspoons of the tapenade on each rasher.
- Break an egg into each cup and add the mushrooms and ¾ of the spring onions.
- Place the tray in the oven and bake until the egg is cooked, +/- 15 minutes.
Once cooked, remove the egg baskets from the muffin tray and garnish with some crème frâiche and the left over spring onions, serve with mini Rosa tomatoes.
This recipe was taken from the Woolworths website, and featured on the 3 Talk show on SABC 3.
Fun Stuff
Cleaning the Toilet
- Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.
- Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the
- In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both
lids.You may need to stand on the lid.
- The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises
that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.
- Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a "power-wash"
and rinse".
- Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are
no people between the bathroom and the front door.
- Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both
- The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom,
and run outside where he will dry himself off.
- Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.
The Dog
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