NCA News

National Credit Act update

The property industry is changing constantly and we face new challenges daily. On 1st June 2007 the National Credit Act (NCA) will come into force and substantially change the way the conveyancing process works. Despite increased property transactions and additional legislative impediments the conveyancing industry is still expected to offer superior service, reduced times to registration and accurate reporting.

In order to assist you to meet these challenges we would like to invite you to join us for a FREE update on the National Credit Act and the consequent changes to the bank milestones. We will also introduce you to the new GhostConvey Developments Module as well as the Attorney Gateway for FNB.

Come to hear Korbitec's experts in the field addressing the following crucial issues:

  1. NCA - New bond application process
    Paul Esselaar - Electronic Law Manager, Korbitec
  2. NCA - Milestones
    Mari Van Wyk - General Manager, GhostConvey, Korbitec
  3. GhostConvey Developments module and new features
    Mari Van Wyk
  4. GhostConvey - What's in the pipeline
    Mari Van Wyk
  5. Attorney Gateway - The alternative Gateway for FNB
    Dawie Verryne - General Manager, Financial Services, Korbitec

Who should attend?
Conveyancers and conveyancing secretaries dealing with Bonds or Property Developments.

E-mail with your name, firm's name, and the date and time of the session you would like to attend or contact 08600 EVENT (08600-38-368) by 1st May 2007.


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