Paddocks Press is an ad hoc free digital newsletter published to educate and update the sectional title community. The current issue (Volume 4, Issue 4) has a number of articles of interest, including:
Trustees responsibilities regarding sectional title insurance - Mike Addison explains how trustees can ensure their statutory obligations regarding sectional title insurance. Insurance must not be overlooked and the prescribed management rules (PMRs) particularly PMR 29, set out in detail how insurance should be controlled, managed and administered.
Condensation - Rob Paddock gives the low down on condensation in buildings, and how to minimise it, with adequate ventilation being the first port of call.
Short-term letting in sectional title schemes - Jennifer Paddock discusses short term letting, whether it is restricted or not, and the potential problems which could arise should fellow owners object.
Q & A with the Professor - Professor Graham Paddock replies to a number of questions including:
- Inaugural meetings.
- Permission to build a possi hut.
- An AGM with no audited financials and Trustees elected.
- Owner representatives.
- Are all awards private?
- What does a Fidelity Fund Certificate mean?
- Security concerns.
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