Sectional Titles

Paddocks Press - August 2017

Paddocks Press is a monthly free digital newsletter published to educate and update the sectional title community. In this issue (Volume 12, Issue 08), Anton discusses Legal fees and amounts added to members accounts, and The Paddocks Sectional Title app is launched.

Must the trustees send levy statements to owners in sectional title schemes? - Dr Caryn Melissa Durham
The adoption of the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011 has not altered the position that the trustees (or managing agent) should send monthly levy statements to each owner to ensure open and transparent governance, but for different reasons. Carryn unpacks the provision dealing with the functions of the body corporate in this regard.

Proxies - What's changed? - Zerlinda van der Merwe
This article will look at one of the most important changes for general meetings held in sectional title schemes, namely the introduction of the limitation on the number of proxies that may be held by one person. Zerlinda explains that it is often the case that the number of proxies can mean the difference between whether the quorum requirements of the general meeting will be met, or whether the meeting will need to stand adjourned for lack of a quorum.

Blog Post - When the body corporate must pay for my repairs - Anton Kelly
Owners in sectional title schemes often think that the body corporate is automatically responsible to repair damage to their section if the damage is the result of some failure of the common property. Anton unpacks the basic maintenance and repair responsibilities, which are set out in the STSM Act.

Paddocks Club Q and A - Paddocks Club Team
As we have so many interesting questions on Paddocks Club, we decided to share the following two with you:

  • Attendance by owner at trustee meetings
  • Inspection by a trustee

Paddocks Press Volume 12, Issue 08

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