Paddocks Press is a monthly free digital newsletter published to educate and update the sectional title community. In this issue (Volume 16, Issue 02):
Graham's semi-retirement announcement.
CSOS: A brief analysis of the first five Western Cape CSOS orders - Graham Paddock
The Community Schemes Ombud Service has published a reasonable number of adjudicator orders, all of which are available at
I have added to these various orders that have been sent to me and, excluding orders that are merely formal or record settlements, in total, I now have the text of 83 Gauteng orders, 83 Western Cape orders and 67 Kwazulu Natal orders—enough to start the process of analysing their content.
Why Covid-19 is not an excuse to delay and Annual General Meeting - Auren Freitas dos Santos
The global death toll from the coronavirus soared past the two million mark on Friday, 15 January 2021, just over a year after the virus was first detected. It is no surprise, therefore, that this pandemic has changed the way we do everything. One practical aspect which has been affected, in the context of sectional title schemes, is the ability to hold annual general meetings. Based on my interactions with trustees and owners, it appears that the majority of bodies corporate have simply decided to abandon their annual general meetings until the glorious day comes that they can meet again in person.
While the pandemic has been life-changing, it shouldn’t prevent life from continuing, albeit in a different way to what we are used to. The so-called “new normal” is here to stay and bodies corporate need to find new ways to continue functioning effectively.
Fortunately, the prescribed management rules (PMRs) prescribe various ways for bodies corporate to deal with the important business that must be transacted at each annual general meeting while the pandemic rages on.
These are some of the “new normal” ways in which bodies corporate can deal with their annual general meetings:
Club questions and answers - Paddocks Club Team
With all the interesting questions on the Club, we decided to share the following two with you:
- Who “owns” owner contact details?
- How can the trustees force an owner to maintain the inside of a unit?
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