Sectional Titles

Paddocks Press - July 2020

Paddocks Press is a monthly free digital newsletter published to educate and update the sectional title community. In this issue (Volume 15, Issue 7), in the monthly video Ané discusses Cancelling a managing agent's contract.

The chairperson's casting vote - Ané de Klerk
In this article, Ané discusses the chairperson's casting vote, and when it can and cannot be exercised in sectional title meetings.

Introduction to the POPI Act for community schemes - Graham Paddock
There has been much speculation around the POPI Act and how it will apply within community schemes, where governing legislation requires that there be access to owners' contact details in order to facilitate the effective running of the scheme.

In Graham's article for this month's edition of the Paddocks Press, he gives an introduction to how the POPI Act must be understood by and applied to those living within community scheme properties.

Procedure for the conducting of General and Trustee Meetings during Level 3 Lockdown - Auren Freitas dos Santos
In this blog post, Auren discusses how trustees and directors may conduct community scheme meetings under Level 3 Lockdown, if the guidelines issued by the CSOS are followed carefully.

Blog Post: Amended rules - your obligations now - Ané de Klerk
In this blog post, Ané discusses five steps that still need to be taken after submitting your amended rules to the Community Schemes Ombud Service.

Club questions and answers - Paddocks Club Team
With all the interesting questions on the Club, we decided to share the following two with you:

  1. Can a trustee become a paid supervisor and remain a trustee also?
  2. How legal is a resolution with a virtual AGM?

Paddocks Press Volume 15, Issue 7

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