Sectional Titles

Paddocks Press –June 09

Paddocks Press is an ad hoc free digital newsletter published to educate and update the sectional title community. The current issue (Volume 4, Issue 6) has a number of articles of interest, including:

Fringe benefits tax on supervisor's accommodation - Clint Riddin explains the fringe benefit tax payable on the value of supervisor's accommodation, a benefit which has until recently being largely ignored by SARS.

International comparatives - Portugal - Graham Paddock gives a brief overview of 'Propriedade Horizontal', the Portugese version of condominium/strata/sectional title.

Sectional title proxies - Jennifer Paddock spells out the law in respect of proxies appointed by sectional title owners.

Strata title pet problems - Strata title pet problems are illustrated in a series of hilarious e-mails (featuring 'the creative owner from Hades').

Local Land Use and Town Planning Requirements - Rob Paddock gives a very broad introduction to the local land use and town planning function in South Africa, and a quick overview of the procedure that needs to be followed when applying to your local authority for approval of building plans.

Q & A with the Professor - Graham Paddock replies to a number of questions including:

  • Changing rules about pets.
  • Charging for future development areas.
  • Taking a unanimous resolution at an automatically postponed general meeting.
  • Subsidising cost of water.
  • Closing the sectional title register.
  • Minimum age restriction.
Paddocks Press Vol 4, Issue 6

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