Paddocks Press is an ad hoc free digital newsletter published to educate and update the sectional title community. The current issue (Volume 4, Issue 3) has a number of articles of interest, including:
Meetings in sectional title schemes - Graham Paddock deals in some detail with the various types of owner meetings in a sectional title scheme, all the time suggesting that it is a good idea for owners to attend.
Special levies in sectional title schemes - Jennifer Paddock looks at the legalities surrounding special levies and the procedure for how and when they can and should be raised.
Dealing with spalling concrete - Rob Paddock explains what spalling is and why a severe problem can result in the need to raise special levies.
Q & A with the Professor - Professor Graham Paddock replies to a number of questions including:
- Liability for repair costs.
- Disqualification of a trustee.
- Dissatisfaction with managing agent's performance.
- Loss of a quorum
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