Paddocks Press is a monthly free digital newsletter published to educate and update the sectional title community. The issue (Volume 8, Issue 9) has a number of articles of interest, including:
Levy increases - Anton Kelly
Who actually decides on the levy increase?
A common complaint in sectional title schemes is that the trustees increased the levy by XYZ ridiculous percentage. But is this in fact the case? How is the inevitable levy increase worked out and by whom?
In this article, Anton discusses the process involved in levy increases and explains who really should make these decisions.
AGM Preparation - Jennifer Paddock
Success dependent on trustees and managing agents
In this video Jennifer takes you through a summary of AGM preparation with reference to the relevant prescribed rules and sections of the Act.
Thinking inside the box - Blog post - Jennifer Paddock
Proxies: What you need to know
In this article, Jennifer highlights the information you need to know about proxies, including: proxy appointments, who cannot act as proxies, proxies appointed by co-owners and more.
Paddocks Club Q and A - Paddock Club Team
- Employment of managing agents during financial year: Can they do this?
- HOA AGM over Skype or other electronic means
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