Dear Club Member,
Welcome to our April/May edition of the GhostConvey Club. In these news letters we would like to share some tips and tricks with you, and to share any exciting news out there. We also have a lovely recipe section. Please share this amongst your colleagues and get them to send us their details so that we can include them in the mailing list if they would like to be part of the GhostConvey Club.
For those of you who don't know yet, we introduced the very nifty GhostConvey/Windeed integration and document tracking facility in Transfers in GhostConvey v10.2.6. Please ask your "Supervisor" to give you a copy of the update user notes regarding this feature if you haven't already seen them or you can print them from your GhostConvey directory \\GWdata\Ghostcon\user notes\. Alternatively, please give us a call to get one of us to come around and show you this great functionality and what is a big step in the directon of an Electronic Deeds Registration System.
GhostConvey/Windeed Integration
The Windeed integration option will pop up automatically as soon as you start a new matter in Transfers as follows:
Work your way through the search wizard that appears, to initiate your search:
Search results can be viewed, printed or saved:
Information will be imported into the relevant fields in Transferor and Property sections:
The Windeed/GhostConvey integration in the Bond module will lauch once one of the following have been selected in the "Cause of Action" field:
* Further
* Switch
* Refinance
DOTS - Deeds Office Tracking System
DOTS allows you to check the progress of you matter in the Deeds Office as follows:
In the
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