Registrar's Circulars

Pretoria Registrar's Circular 01/2013

Pretoria Registrar's Circular No. 01/2013: Regulation 38 of Ordinance 15 of 1986

  1. The City of Johannesburg is currently issuing certificates in terms of Regulation 38 of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance 15 of 1986 wherein conditions have been imposed.  Some examiners are rejecting deeds where conditional Regulation 38 certificates are lodged. 

  2. A meeting was held with the City of Johannesburg on 14th March 2013.

  3. At the meeting it was decided that Regulation 38 Certificates with conditions must be accepted where such certificates are dated on or before 15th April 2013 and the relevant deeds must not be rejected because such certificate is lodged  with them.  The City Council has undertaken to resolve the issue by 15th April 2013.

  4. This Circular is effective immediately. 

Pretoria Registrar's Circular 01 of 2013

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