Sectional Titles

Sectional conduct rules

25 September 2003

How to amend ST rules on Property24, underscores the need for the trustees of a scheme to understand that they cannot amend the conduct rules.

Enforcement of sectional title rules

16 October 2003

In Afdwing van deeltitelskemareëls, in the October 2003 De Rebus, Jack Nel discusses what steps trustees of a sectional title scheme may take to enforce the compliance of rules.

Sectional Titles Amendment Bill

23 October 2003

The Sectional Titles Amendment Bill (B43-2002), proposes amendments to the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986 ("the Act").

Renting of common property

06 November 2003

The strict requirements governing the rental of common property are looked at in this article on Property24.

Common property maintenance

20 November 2003

In The Buck Stops At the Body Corporate, on Property24, the responsibility of common property maintenance is canvassed.

Occupants from hell

27 November 2003

Can a sectional title unit's body corporate successfully apply for an ejectment order against the occupants of a flat in the unit who continually contravene the unit's rules?
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