Cape Registrar's Circular 6/2012 - Processes in respect of the Land Titles Adjustment Act
The purpose of this Act is to regulate the allocation or devolution of certain land in respect of which one or more persons claim ownership, but do not have registered title deeds in respect thereof, and to provide for matters incidental thereto.
A number of processes in respect to this Act as they are applicable to the Deeds Office are covered. As are procedures in respect of rights for allocated land, partitions and sales.
RC 6 of 201 - Land Titles Adjustment Act
Cape Registrar's Circular 7/2012 - New SARS e-Transfer Duty receipts
This circular covers the implementation of Sars e-Transfer Duty, the verification of Transfer Duty Receipts and Exemption Certificates, their format and the information to be contained therein.
RC 7 of 2012 New Sars e -Transfer Duty Receipts and an example of a Transfer Duty Declaration
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