Get strong
15 June 2016
Prevent fraud happening by heading these tips for strong passwords, as the security of every platform/application ultimately depends on the user's password.Mangaung - s118 fee increase
30 June 2016
Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality: Section 118 Applications - Administrative fees for Rates Clearance Applications are to increase from 01 July 2016.GhostConvey/LexisNexis integration
07 July 2016
LexisNexis’ Practical Guidance in Real Estate, Land and Conveyancing practice area has just become available to GhostConvey users.e-Conveyancing takes off
14 July 2016
Australia - South Australian conveyancers, solicitors, and lenders can now completely digitally exchange property via e-Conveyancing in what is a digital transformation.No paper certificates
25 August 2016
Australia - Paper certificates for property transactions once gave a sense of land ownership but new laws are changing that."Distracting" e-conveyancing law
08 September 2016
UK - the Law Society has backed proposals to simplify the legal basis of electronic conveyancing in its reply to proposals for reform of the Land Registration Act 2002.Form filling headache
15 September 2016
Australia – a recent change to a government form has unintentionally jammed a spoke into the wheels of the promising e-conveyancing industry.Transfer duty delays
17 November 2016
A number of solutions are given to some of the issues and problems which have been delaying the processing of transfer duty applications by SARS.Modernising the process
01 December 2016
UK: The Conveyancing Association has published a paper on ‘Modernising the Home Moving Process’ outlining a future, more certain and transparent process.National Mortgage Form
29 January 2015
Australia - Property Exchange Australia Pty Ltd (PEXA) plans to introduce a National Mortgage Form (NMF) later this year to streamline property mortgages.